Perforated Wall Panels
May 29, 2019
IntelliScreen NFPA 285 Compliance
August 21, 2019

We don’t take safety lightly. The machines we use every day to produce our beautiful metal cladding systems are dangerous and accidents can happen.

To highlight a company wide commitment to plant and workplace safety, IMETCO held its first annual IMETCO Safety Awareness Week from June 17-21 in participation with National Safety Month. In addition to a number of fun team building exercises, we had the pleasure of hosting some wonderful guest speakers who spoke to our team on a wide range of workplace safety related topics.

Leading up to Safety Week, we’ve been focused on raising awareness across the board on topics such as:

  • Machine Guarding
  • Fire Prevention
  • Hazard Communication
  • Lock-Out-Tag-Out
  • Forklift Policy
  • Personal Protection
  • Emergency Action Plans
  • & much more!

Here is a brief recap of the inaugural event!

Monday’s activities included a kick-off meeting and plant tour for all employees. We also collected submissions for our safety mascot contests. The pup pictured below is the new face of Safety Awareness at IMETCO – he has popped up over the last few months to generate some hype around our safety initiative. Contests included a coloring contest open to kids big and small (adult division was interesting!) as well as a naming contest for our new mascot.

This event also provided us with a great opportunity to connect with and learn from our local first responders.

Tuesday welcomed our first guest speaker of the week from Gwinnett County Fire & Emergency Services. Fire Educator Marcela Esquivel (pictured with our Plant Safety Manager Zach Pratt) spoke to our team about fire extinguishers and fire prevention in the workplace.

On Wednesday, officers from the Gwinnett County Police Department addressed our team on workplace violence.

On Thursday we welcomed a group from Kid’s Chance of Georgia, Inc. Since 1988, Kid’s Chance of Georgia has been helping the children of seriously or fatally injured workers reach their educational goals.

“We believe that by investing in our children’s future through college scholarships we can provide them with the tools and opportunity to be successful in the workplace. We strive to help children so that they can make a difference in their own and other people’s lives.”

Our team was moved by the experiences shared by the guest speakers who spoke about life challenges that were the result of a workplace accident. It was an eye-opening experience that really drove home the importance of Safety Awareness.

We wrapped up the week with a cookout for all employees (provided by Industrial Lumber) and announced our contest winners who took home a tee shirt and gift card.

The winning entry for the Name-the-Dog contest was ROOFUS.

Roofus will pop up from time to time to remind us all about workplace and job-site safety. Don’t let his appearance fool you, this pup doesn’t sleep on the job!

Prepared by:

Josh Younger
Marketing Specialist

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