Madonna Pro Active Health Center
August 26, 2017
MSU Institute of Engineering
July 26, 2017

Project Details

Tualatin Hills Aquatic Center

Beaverton, OR

Products & Materials

Project Notes

The Tualatin Hills Aquatic Center features an olympic size 50 meter pool that provides recreational and instructional programs to all ages in this community just outside of Portland, Oregon. The facility is used for a diverse array of events and programs from hosting highly competitive swim meets to scuba and kayak lessons.

Over the years the roof enclosure over the pool area leaked excessively, showed visible signs of corrosion and decay of the exposed metal deck. Furthermore, the foam insulation was saturated from the lack of proper moisture mitigation considerations, which made the building thermally inefficient. If the situation was not remedied soon, things would only get worse and the safety of people using the facility was a primary concern of the owner.

Indoor aquatic center environments are a bit tricky to deal with. After extensive team collaboration with the owner, it was decided that the best short and long term solution was to remove the existing material and replace with a metal deck and roof assembly provided by the IMETCO team. Three critical items were identified and remedied with the solution provided:

  • Protect the acoustical metal deck and screws attaching the metal deck from corrosion.
    A high performance polymer coated corrosion resistant acoustical metal deck, fastened with 316 stainless steel screw deck deck fasteners, was ultimately chosen. The polymer powder coating was applied after the perforations were punched in the steel deck so the holes were completely coated. For additional protection, the fiberglass acoustical batts located in the deck flutes were wrapped in thin visqueen plastic.
  • Provide moisture protection for the roof assembly from both inside and outside the building.
    Our high performance air and vapor barrier was completely and smoothly adhered over the water resistant roof board to stop moisture mitigation into the insulation. The air and vapor barrier was also properly tied into roof transitions and edges of the building. Our high temperature AquaBlock roofing underlayment was applied to the top side of the insulation to waterproof and protect the inside of the building.
  • Provide high performance protection from future condensation.
    There will be no condensation worries, as our air and vapor barrier was positioned directly below the high density R-30 continuous polyiso insulation. The continuous zee girt was also embedded within the insulation, assuring no condensation as a result of penetration through the air and vapor membrane from the outside of the building.

The owner is very pleased with the outcome they received with this very attractive looking finished roof, the performance of which is backed up by a long-term warranty commitment for the complete roof assembly. The entire system is covered, from the corrosion resistant acoustical metal deck through and including the metal roof system.

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