Raymore-Peculiar High School
January 3, 2018
Madonna Pro Active Health Center
August 26, 2017

Project Details

Sycamore High School Natatorium Roof Replacement

Cincinnati, OH

Products & Materials

Project Notes

Sycamore High School was faced with a problem. Their pool roof was not performing and showed signs of severe condensation issues. The existing assembly lacked key roof components including no vapor barrier, and an improper amount and location of insulation. The metal roofing was also through fastened causing a thermal transfer from the outside of the assembly to the inside.

The solution was IMETCO’s Perform-A-Deck VSA 150B metal deck system. The Perform-A-Deck assembly features all required sub-girts, insulation boards, water resistant gypsum boards, vapor barrier, roofing underlayment and finished metal roofing system. All layered at the proper location within the assembly to provide a long term performance inspired solution. The deck section was also coated with a special Tnemic coating for added protection.

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