Problem Solving to make it Work
October 15, 2020
Spirit Week 2021
October 19, 2021
IMETCO (Innovative Metals Company, Inc.) now has FBC approvals for the Legacy™, Latitude™ and Element™ wall panel systems.

Due to the severe weather in Florida, from heavy rains to strong winds and hail, designers must put several measures in place to ensure the building is able to withstand impending hurricanes and tropical storms.

What is Florida Product Approved?
The Florida Product Approval Number is more commonly known and read as The “FL #” and are set, for all construction trades, by the state as a measurement to determine if the product meets state requirements including high velocity hurricane zones, HVHZ.

It’s important to note that products may need to satisfy additional requirements within the city or county–not just the state; if your product has a Florida Product Approval Number, it doesn’t automatically mean that it meets Florida Building Codes or satisfies the city and county requirements.

For example, Dade and Broward counties in Miami have a set of building codes that supersede the Florida Product Approval Numbers.

Prepared By:

Q. Jonnie Hasan, PE, BECxP, CxA+BE
Director of Engineering & Sales Support

Technical Bulletin Library

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