Full S.T.E.A.M. Ahead!
May 16, 2019
Perforated Wall Panels
May 29, 2019

“The quality of the exterior space was critical to the project’s success, so the design team wanted to bring the panel system from the skyline to the plaza.”

Interview with the Architect:

We recently caught up with Dan-Michael Trbovich, R.A., NCARB (Borelli+Partners) to discuss the Indian River County Intergenerational Recreation Center project and received some great updates on how our Series 300 roof & wall panel system has been performing.

What made our product or service stand out from other options?


Fully tested system water penetrated system test; both static and dynamic
What problem(s) were you trying to solve with our product?


Water penetration in adverse site context; coastal, sub-tropical environment with hurricane wind loads to meet or exceed 100-year rain fall conditions and a 20-year warranty.
What have you been able to achieve by using our product(s) or service?
Two hurricanes and a 100-year rain fall event all in first year in service and a client that rests assured. The 100-year event dumped more than 5 feet, yes feet of water over its duration of two days, with peak storm event of 13″ in one hour.
What is the main reason you recommend our product or service?
It was the only product that met the project’s stringent requirements. No other manufacturer had actually tested their claims at water penetration, but were statements ‘backed by warranties’. We nor our clients were interested in warranties, we both wanted proven performance, period. Nothing else was going to satisfy our municipal client.
What made you happiest about working with our company?
Every time over the course of two years if we reached out to your product representative, they contacted us back. Every time! The responsive relationship developed trust, we would rely on.
Second, the incredible length and coordination efforts that went into specialized and custom detailing for this project that Imetco provided us. The detailing on Knee plate (angled panel rib detail), matched rake, eave, corner & jamb flashing, butt-splicing panel joints on highly visible large spans sections, and integral roof gutter to accommodate a 100-year storm (12″/hour) meant we knew what we were proposing would work and was detailed in the manner of actual construction. There was no guess work or ‘presumed design intent’; the shop drawings and construction reflected our details precisely.
The finished product is a gem, to us, to our client, to the community that it serves and that is showcased by the roofing system that is on display and the central tenant to our design concept. In this case reality surpasses design conception notions. It’s simply magnificent to behold.

Thinking about your next project?



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