Document Libraries

IMETCO Project Galleries

Project Gallery PDFs highlight the design-build team and products used on some of our favorite projects.

Technical Bulletins & Ask IMETCO

In our business, many questions come up. Ask IMETCO is intended as quick and informal answers to product, application, technical, and industry questions that our staff receives on a daily basis. Responses are intended to inform IMETCO’s  staff with the best information available at the time. While all effort is made for responses to contain accurate information, the responses are not peer reviewed before distribution, and on their own should not be construed as official company policy. Responses may contain opinion and not all statements made may have irrefutable back up. These are intended as learning and discussion tools only.

Focus Books

Focus Books take a quick look at specific conditions, materials, applications and more.

Safety Data Sheets

Safety Data sheets outline the physical/chemical makeup and safety guidelines for our products.

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